Monitor your nest boxes this Fathers Day

Bird nesting boxes

On Sunday 4 September 2022, we’re asking all 40 spot nestbox owners to monitor their nest boxes.

This is very easy and quite exciting! Just spend ten minutes watching the entrance to the nest box for activity. If the box is being used, typically one or more birds will be seen.

They may just be checking the box out, bringing in nesting material or even bringing food for the chicks.

Carefully check whether the bird is a Forty-spotted pardalote – see here for the best information to positively ID the species. Using binoculars really helps!

Monitoring nestboxes first requires registration of the boxes, then a separate monitoring sheet for each observation.

Register your boxes by clicking the button. This will define box location, give a a unique identifier for the nestbox(es) and your contact details. There is no need to do this if you have already registered your box(es)

Then please monitor your boxes for activity . Submit a separate monitoring form for each observation with box ID and date.

The data will be collected and used by the recovery team and the results mounted here on the BIEN website.

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Bird nesting boxes