This is a library of resources related to the Bruny Island environment.
- Annotated Bibliography of Scientific Papers, Published Books, Theses and Reports on Bruny Island and the D’Entrecasteaux Channel
- Report (2016) on BIEN Priorities and Projects Workshop (pdf)
- Report (2016) from BIEN priorities subgroups (pdf)
- Bruny Life community survey (2018) final report ( (pdf)
- State of the Channel and Lower Huon
- A spatial assessment tool: Pilot Study – South and West of Bruny Island. (IMAS Technical Report)
- Checklist – Bruny Island Mammals (2021) (checklist)
- Mammals on Bruny (Driessen et al 2011) (research paper)
- Skulls of Tasmania (Green, 1983) (scanned pamphlet)
- Checklist Bruny Island birds (2015) (checklist)
- Parasite impacts of 40 spotted pardalote (research paper)
- Tasmanian Bats and their habitat – A Guide (2015) (pamphlet)
- Saving the Swift Parrot – A conservation and management guide, Bird Life Australia (2021)(pdf doc)
Your Property
- Private Land Conservation Program (website)
- Land for Wildlife (website)
- Tree Hollows (2019) (brochure)
- Southern NRM Region Interpretation Manual for the Southern Tasmania Coastal Values Project
- Kingborough Council Shoreline Monitoring Program