Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled for 1pm, Sunday 11 August 2024 at the Adventure Bay Hall and all office bearers positions are open for election. Please come along and be part of the future!
Indefatigable Grahams – Bob and Marg – are stepping down after over a decade at the helm. New blood is eagerly sought. Nominations need to be in prior to the meeting.
Dr Adam Cisterne from NRM South will spruik their new project “Biodiverse Bruny‘ that supports our very own Threatened Woodland Birds of Bruny Island project. It arises from the Commonwealth government recognizing Bruny as a ‘special place‘.
We may even hear from Rupert Davies – the man coordinating the eradication of feral deer on the island, who has been working closely with many people across Bruny to understand where the animals are, their behaviors and movement.