Changing of the guard

The tireless and fantastic Marg Graham

Long-time stalwarts Bob and Marg Graham – instigators and pillars of BIEN for 15 years, gracefully bowed out from their leadership positions at the 2024 AGM.

Bob presented his last annual report (see full report below) citing the plethora of projects and issues that BIEN is currently engaged with across the breadth of Bruny’s special values:

  • reducing the impact of salmon farming at sea (via TAMP)
  • monitoring shorebird breeding success (an issue which is very close to Bob’s heart)
  • increasing habitat and breeding success for threatened woodland birds (TWBBI)
  • decreasing impacts of feral cats and roadkill
  • eliminating feral deer from the island
  • celebrating Bruny as a haven for birds (Bruny Island Bird Festival) and
  • enhancing and maintaining an educational focus on environmental issues (BIEN and Kuno websites).

Marg’s tireless and persistent efforts as Secretary and Public Officer have kept the organisation humming over the years:

  •  organising and mentoring BirdFest coordinators over the years
  • membership maintenance and weekly updates
  • organising events and meetings

 They were both honoured in the meeting and will be sorely missed.

Thank you so much from all past and present members, and of course Bruny Island’s community and environment.

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